Household energy price increases massively outstrip Johnson’s 12% promise

Responses to Twitter post show increases far above Tories’ ‘cap’

The real-life scale horror of Boris Johnson’s fake claim to have capped household energy price rises at 12% – already a shattering blow to struggling families – has been revealed in the responses to a question posted on Twitter by a left activist.

The @ToryFibs account highlighted Johnson’s ‘cap’ and asked readers to provide details of their bills if their increases had exceeded Johnson’s promise:

The details that came in showed that Johnson was understating the rise in home energy prices by around half, or even more – and some of the comments showed the hardships that people were already facing before the new rises:

Some respondents even reported that their bills had doubled or worse.

Johnson spouts one thing in a Tory conference speech, secure in the knowledge that he’s very unlikely to face any challenge from the so-called ‘mainstream’ media over it. But the reality is yet more enormous hardships – and the bill increases come just as millions are also facing the Tories’ needless and cruel £20 a week cut in Universal Credit to add to their suffering.

This is going to be a winter of horror for vast numbers of our people – and the ‘leader’ of the ‘opposition’ has betrayed his promise to renationalise energy firms to avoid such scenes under a Labour government.

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