Firefighter resigns from Labour – warning Starmer that his anti-left smears will cost lives

David Gillian condemns ‘complete destruction of justice and democracy within the party’ and warns Starmer that smears carry potentially-lethal consequences

Firefighter David Gillian

Socialist firefighter David Gillian has resigned from the Labour party – but found himself in the unusual situation of the party processing his resignation before he had sent it.

Gillian’s letter, when it did go in, hits hard – warning Keir Starmer that his flagrant abuses and smears against the Labour left will inevitably carry serious and potentially deadly consequences for the victims of those smears or anyone else identified with them simply for being on the left.

His letter is reproduced with permission below. Emphases have been added by Skwawkbox.

Dear Sir Keir Starmer,

Please find attached my resignation from the Labour Party.

I can accept differences in policy between me and the party, but what I cannot accept is the complete destruction of justice and democracy within the party, ensuring that people can have no remaining voice or hope for the change that they need and desire.

In addition the culture in the party has become intolerable. Rather than this culture existing in spite of your actions, or being consistent with the factional narrative that your leadership is promoting, this abuse and these failures appear to extend from your office, and that of the General Secretary, right throughout the party in a form of factional warfare and terrorism.

You should avail yourself of Allport’s scale of prejudice to understand the inevitable consequences of your antilocution.

(image borrowed from Rachel Burnham’s blog)

The tragic murder of Jo Cox MP was the pinaccle of a different pyramid of hate, how long until your actions culminate in physical violence between Labour members?

Maybe it already has. Just this weekend one of your councillors has called me, and people who share my political views within the party, “rats”, “fleas”, “shit” and “rotten limbs” this kind of behaviour is commonplace. I have reported these comments via the complaints portal, however I have reported abuse and unlawful behaviour in the past only to be completely ignored by the Governance & Legal Unit, which, it seems, is consistently failing in its duty of care towards members.

This may serve your factional aims but will forever remain a stain on your personal reputation and long career of public service. Sadly I believe this, as well as electoral defeat, will be your legacy and the people who the Labour Party exists to serve will be the victims of that.

There remain many wonderful people, totally dedicated to peace, justice and equality in our party and our wider movement. You would be well served to offer them the hand of friendship.

Yours in solidarity with them and the many victims of your leadership.

David Gillian

Gillian had announced his intention to resign in a blog post last week – but when he wrote his letter to the party, he found that they had already acted on the blog post without bothering to wait for the formal notification. In a follow-up article, he wrote:

I formally tendered my resignation today having blogged my intent last Wednesday. Tragically / hilariously (you decide) I discovered that my resignation had already been processed – before I had submitted it. Having reported abuse in the party over 10 months ago, the party is yet to acknowledge, let alone take action. When I write in a blog that I’m going to resign, the party is on it like a flash. Factional? You can decide that too.

Gillian also details some of the foul abuse and arrogance he has received from various hyper-factionalists (aren’t they all?) of the Labour right.

He has recently re-activated his Twitter. Follow him on @socialistfire.

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