Video: Starmer’s essay calls for govt ‘transparency’ but he hid anti-Corbyn donors for months

While campaigning on promises of unity and continuing Corbyn’s policies, Starmer accepted £455,000 from anti-Corbyn donors

It’s all in the eyes: Keir Starmer when asked again who was funding him

Keir Starmer’s interminable 11,500-word ‘essay’ has already been shredded as recycling former Tory PM David Cameron’s phraseology, using fascist and Vichy-collaborator language and resurrecting Tory ‘striver vs skiver’ rhetoric and committing Labour to continued NHS privatisation – a waste of pixels and web space that should be astonishing but isn’t.

And Starmer rounds off his droning by calling for the government to ‘restore transparency’ – which is shameless when Starmer spent the entire Labour leadership campaign avoiding transparency about who was funding it:

Eventually – long after the result was in and it was too late for Labour members to change their votes – after a campaign of promising to promote party unity and maintain Jeremy Corbyn’s policies, Starmer was revealed to have accepted £455,000, the bulk of his spending, from anti-Corbyn donors.

Like all his campaign promises, dumped unceremoniously once they’d served their purpose of conning members to vote for him, Starmer’s call for transparency is a sack of hypocritical manure – and his ‘vision’ for the UK is a set of nicked or recycled, and long-discredited, baloney full of razor blades for disabled and vulnerable people.

Snake-oil salesman is too kind a term – and if Starmer couldn’t be trusted during his leadership pitch, why on earth would anyone fall for him when he asks to run the country?

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