Starmer tried to make challenge threshold 100+ MPs, backed down under pressure from unions

Attempts to rig Labour systems in favour of unelectable right were even bigger than already clear, according to parry sources

Keir Starmer’s assault on Labour party democracy included an attempt to switch the threshold for a leadership challenge to half or more of Labour MPs backing a challenger, Skwawkbox can reveal.

Current rules require 20% of MPs to nominate a would-be challenger to trigger a contest, but Starmer and his allies tried to raise it to more than half, which on Labour’s current numbers in Parliament would mean more than a hundred.

Even if more than a hundred MPs were unhappy with the party’s leader they would almost never Unite behind a single challenger, so this would have amounted to making the leader unchallenged unchallengeable.

Such is the extent of Starmer’s unpleasant mix of Insecurity and arrogance.

However, his minions backed down during discussions with the Labour-union liaison group TULO after it became clear what kind of reaction it would get, in the hope they might still get enough backing to push through a move to Rob party members of a meaningful say in leadership elections – and for changes to party rules to make Starmer’s sidekick David Evans judge and jury over members’ right to be in the party.

Labour has already been desperately purging party delegates in the hope of getting these rule changes through.

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