Video: excruciating car-crash interview as Starmer refuses to say what he stands for or will do

Labour insiders have said Starmer was desperate not to say anything or he’d have to rewrite his Blairite-written conference speech. It showed

Earlier today, Labour insiders told Skwawkbox that Keir Starmer was letting the Tories ‘have a field day’ on the NHS and social care, because he is prioritising protecting his speech to the party’s conference later this month over the needs of the country for an opposition.

Starmer then appeared on Sky News – and ducked and dived in a desperate attempt to avoid saying anything about what he stands for or will do on the NHS and social care or how to increase funding. It would have been an excruciating, embarrassing performance in a school debate, let alone from the leader of a political party who never misses an opportunity to remind us of his legal background and whose supporters once unfeasibly tried to make the label ‘forensic’ stick:

Based on this performance, it’s not clear that Starmer’s conference speech is even worth the trouble of protecting. He may not have an interviewer pressing him to say what he actually means, but with an address cobbled together from old Blairite nothingness by former Blair speechwriters, his lack of substance is still going to be agonisingly laid bare, no matter how hard his die-hard supporters try to spin it.

And that lack of substance and political courage spells disaster for a nation collapsing under the straing of Tory predations and mismanagement.

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