Starmer’s NeoLabour accepting conference sponsorship from massive property developers

Starmer’s pleading for support from wealth continues

Cap in hand to wealth: Keir Starmer

It’s been well reported that Keir Starmer has been chasing wealthy donors after his lurch to the right and cowardly purge of the left – especially the Jewish left – took the party to the verge of bankruptcy.

And it seems that includes accepting sponsorship from some of the UK’s biggest corporations.

Invitations have gone out to delegates attending Labour’s annual conference in Brighton later this month for their ‘regional receptions’ – and the London event at least is sponsored by the foreign-owned Canary Wharf Group, the huge property company, part of a corporation holding around $88 billion in property, including around 8 million feet of hugely expensive offices in London:

The other main owner of Canary Wharf is Qatar Investment authority, the Qatari state’s investment vehicle. Qatar imported around US$783M last year, and increase of 360% since 2016.

Where Labour under Jeremy Corbyn posed a threat to the interests of enormous corporations and the hugely wealthy for the sake of the many, Keir Starmer has abandoned the entire platform on which he campaigned for the leadership in order to thoroughly align the husk of the party with the few.

If you are a delegate and have received your regional reception invitation, send it to

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