Johnson’s approval ratings tumble. Starmer’s tumble further

Public rumbles Tory leader – but seems to rumble Labour’s more

Tory PM Boris Johnson’s approval ratings have fallen sharply, with his positive figure dropping by 1.5% and his negatives rising by 4.7%. In what is effectively a two-party state – many would argue a one-party state with two rosette colours – such a fall would be expected to almost automatically be matched by a corresponding rise in the fortunes of the leader of the opposition.

Well, when we have an opposition.

Because Labour’s titular leader Keir Starmer has managed the perversely impressive feat of not only matching, but exceeding, Johnson’s plunge, falling only slightly less in positive ratings – and by a substantially bigger margin in negatives:

Starmer’s overall negative figure is not quite as high as Johnson’s – but his positive figure is far lower, too. That takes some doing when your rival is the architect of 160,000 or so needless pandemic deaths (not to mention a lying buffoon) – and shows that Starmer’s problem is not merely that most people don’t know what he stands for or even who he is, but that the more they see of him the less they like him.


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