A word about Coyne and Unite – and a story you won’t have heard (video)

Watson liking anti-worker tweet supporting Coyne is revealing – but reaction by union members to Coyne writing for the ‘Scum’ and wanting their votes makes clear how toxic the ‘Labour’ right is

Gerard Coyne was ‘run out’ of an online meeting during the nominations phase of Unite’s general secretary election because he had written for the rag known to many as ‘The Scum’, according to union members present.

Skwawkbox understands that a number of those attending the hustings had intended to vote for the right-winger, despite Coyne admitting during the last general secretary election to breaching members’ privacy and was found in breach of data laws by he Information Commissioner’s Office. But when Coyne was asked why he had written for the Murdoch S*n, the mood in the meeting turned and he was essentially chased from the virtual room.

Coyne’s willingness to cosy up to the union-busting press mogul and the Murdoch empire’s backing for his candidacy show that he will be a disaster for ordinary people if he ever gets near the general secretary’s seat – not just Unite members, but all those millions who need a real fighter for their interests and for a just society in such a crucial position.

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