Labour shuts down London conference entirely in middle of chair’s speech to prevent her criticising Keir Starmer

Starmer’s sockpuppets and apologists now desperately trying to claim Kathryn Johnson was being libellous, which delegates say is a lie. She will have chance to deliver it in full on Socialist Telly on Monday night

Labour has outraged members today by shutting down its London conference in the middle of the outgoing Conference Arrangements Committee chair’s speech, apparently because she was speaking critically of Keir Starmer – and, ironically, of the party’s anti-democratic conduct.

Conference chair Kathryn Johnson

The cowardly action began with regional officials muting Ms Johnson in full flow in the online conference session – and then abruptly terminating the conference altogether with no explanation.

The party’s apologists, in what appears to be a coordinated move, are now attempting to limit the damage by claiming she was cut off because she was being libellous – a claim attendees at the conference say is entirely untrue:

Another speaker who went off-script to criticise Starmer and the party’s attack on members was also muted earlier. Members had already complained about the party bringing conference forward from November – against the wishes of elected regional executive members – in order to hold it online where it could be tightly controlled, rather than in person as planned.

This frontal assault on free speech is the latest in the party’s ongoing war on its members human and democratic rights – but Ms Johnson will have the opportunity to say her piece in a Socialist Telly special on Monday night, starting at 8pm.

Make sure to tune in via Socialist Telly’s and Skwawkbox’s social media feeds – and to spread the word so that Labour’s attempt to gag its elected officials who dare to speak out fails as abjectly as it deserves to.

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