Breaking: Labour HQ staff back right-winger Coyne – as Beckett says Unite will withdraw funding if rightwards lurch goes on

Right-wing HQ staff nominate disgraced right-winger

Labour HQ staff have in the last few minutes voted to nominate right-winger Gerard Coyne to be the next general secretary of the giant Unite union. 60% of staff who voted opted for Coyne, who was sacked by the union over data breaches and misconduct during his 2017 bid to replace Len McCluskey.

On the same day, left favourite Howard Beckett – who smashed through the nominations threshold on Tuesday, with almost half the nominations phase remaining – tweeted a warning to Keir Starmer that if he wins the election and Labour continues its mad lurch to the right, Unite will withdraw its funding from the Westminster party.

Beckett’s campaign has stunned rivals. It’s not hard to see why.

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