Starmer spanked by Tory MP for stealing Boris Johnson’s ‘credit’

Labour leader not so ‘forensic’ on dates of office

Labour leader Keir Starmer has been corrected by Tory MP Kit Malthouse over Starmer’s claim to have been ‘prosecuting terrorists and serious criminals’ ‘while Boris Johnson was writing columns for newspapers’.

Malthouse pointed out that Johnson had become London mayor six months before Starmer’s tenure began as Director of Public Prosecutions:

The ‘forensic’ claims of Starmer’s supporters become ever more tarnished.

Johnson did, of course, have a career writing indefensible racist nonsense in newspapers and books long before he was elected as the capital’s mayor. But Starmer’s inability to oppose or criticise without blundering shows how alien it is to him to stand up to the Establishment, even when he is boasting about his own career as part of it.

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