Starmer’s using the crowd photo with Corbyn photoshopped out (AGAIN)

Labour leader shamelessly re-using image already exposed as nothing to do with him

In December, Skwawkbox covered the spot by a sharp-eyed Twitter user of Labour deputy leader Angela Rayner’s use of a picture of an enthusiastic, Labour-supporting crowd – which was really an enthusiastic, Corbyn’s-Labour-supporting crowd – with Jeremy Corbyn’s presence shoddily photoshopped out and replaced by the word ‘Labour’.

So unlikely was an enthusiastic crowd cheering for the current regime, that Labour had shamelessly nicked Corbyn’s crowd and repurposed it for a job ad:

Well, despite the furore and scorn that resulted from that appallingly cynical tactic, Keir Starmer and his party machine have decided to use it again today – this time to try to entice people into giving up their time to volunteer for the visionless shell he claims he is proud of:

Starmer’s Facebook post – heavily ‘ratioed’

The original image of a cheering crowd shows clearly what and who had got them enthused:

But the scrappy edit tries to fool readers that they are enthused about the party as it now is:

Keir mate, if you want to get people out on the doors, give them something to be excited about and the prospect of real change to believe in.

‘I’m Boris Johnson with neater hair and less personality’ just isn’t going to do it – and nor will this week’s demonstration of contempt for local people and their democracy.

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