New Hartlepool candidate tweets selfie that appears to have ‘MILF’ in background

Oversight or message – or prank by co-workers?

Dr Paul Williams, Labour’s new and controversially-selected candidate in the Hartlepool by-election, apologised this week for an old tweet discussing preferences about Tory ‘MILFs’ – an acronym for ‘mothers I’d like to f***’.

But last night, Williams tweeted a picture of himself working in a COVID clinic – one that appeared to have a word spelled out in push-pins on a notice board behind him:

The pins appear – the last letter is less clear but they have certainly been taken by readers to do so – to spell out the same acronym for which Williams has just apologised, with three of the letters each done in separate colours to make them stand out:

Ill-advised joke by Williams, or a prank by co-workers that happened to be caught on camera and was missed before tweeting? Either way it’s not a great look.

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