Liverpool MP Carden calls on Labour mayoral hopefuls to commit to anti-corruption plan

Move to ‘restore trust in local politics’ after arrest of previous mayor on suspicion of conspiracy to bribe and intimidate

Liverpool Walton MP Dan Carden has publicly called, together with Transparency UK, on Labour’s three prospective mayoral candidates to commit to a ten-point plan to eliminate corruption in local government. The three – councillors Anna Rothery, Ann O’Byrne and Wendy Simons – are competing to be Labour’s candidate for the city mayor post that became vacant after the arrest of Joe Anderson on suspicion of conspiracy to commit bribery and witness intimidation. Anderson remains on bail and has not been charged with any offence.

Carden has written to the prospective candidates directly, but tweeted news of his move:

The ten points include:

How the candidates respond remains to be seen. Ballots open on Wednesday.

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