
The 13 ‘Labour’ front-benchers, including Starmer, who did NOT sign letter to Patel demanding cancellation of ‘Windrush’ deportation flight

List of shame of Shadow MPs who have not supported attempt to prevent flight that will separate 31 children from their father and put people at risk of violence and abuse

More than sixty Labour MPs have put their names to a letter sent by Norwich MP Clive Lewis to Home Secretary Priti Patel, calling for the cancellation of a deportation flight to Jamaica taking off on Wednesday. The flight, which will affect people who have lived in the UK since their childhood, will sepaarate at least 31 children from their father and, as Lewis notes, is a continuation of the ‘Windrush’ ‘hostile environment’ policies that put deportees at risk of abuse, violence and even death:

Shamefully, the names of thirteen current front-benchers are conspicuous by their absence from the letter – including that of the party’s leader, deputy leader, Shadow Home Secretary, Shadow Foreign Secretary, Shadow Chancellor, Shadow Health Secretary, Shadow Justice Secretary and, ironically, the Shadow Minister for Domestic Violence and Safeguarding:

  • Keir Starmer
  • Angela Rayner
  • Anneliese Dodds
  • Nick Thomas-Symonds
  • Lisa Nandy
  • Ed Miliband
  • Jon Ashworth
  • Rosena Allin-Khan
  • David Lammy
  • Jess Phillips
  • Rachel Reeves
  • Wes Streeting
  • Yvette Cooper

The names of other front-benchers are among the signatories, so those who have failed to sign cannot claim it was not permitted.

Yet again, Keir Starmer has failed to disagree publicly with the Tories. It has not escaped notice:

Earlier this year, Starmer was criticised for condemning the toppling by Black Lives Matter protesters of a statue commemorating Edward Colston, a slaver who forcibly transported tens of thousands of Africans to the Caribbean. Now more black people are being forcibly transported and he is silent.

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    1. Off topic apologies, and I maybe wrong but it appears that Kerry’s account has just been suspended again as of the 1.12.20 .
      I’d say a well organised Zionist weapons grade attack on her and others free speech.
      It’s not Russia or China to be afraid of it’s Zionists and their abuse of Jews and or Israel as a convenient cover for their acts of suppression

      1. Ignore , very strange but Kerry’s account is now back up again , wonder if it was my link I was using or something else , be interesting to see what happens going forward.

  1. Lammy, Milliband. Shameless, venal cowards. How can Lammy ever hold his head up when he walks the streets of his constituency? Surely, clpers, momentum this must be the final straw? Close their offices, don’t lick a stamp or send an email for any of them. Their much vaunted millionaire backers wont do the leg work needed. Make them suffer! This is beyond taking the piss. It is a outrage against the decency that rests in the hearts of members, their families and our class. Can people not see what their party has become? Fuck them and their tweeting caged, yellow bird, list and nm. Stop your dd’s now.

    1. War criminal Tony Blair, is understandably despised. OK yes, we all know that. BUT, as night follows day, none can doubt BLAIR’S EXCEPTIONAL ABILITIES to defecate on truth. Honesty like taxes “are for the little people” so Blair felt at ease being dishonest in any and every way and for any purpose … especially self serving ones.

      Consider all people you’ve known. Only approximately 1% were as dishonest as Blair, No? Max 1% shamelessly tool lies to suit any position as Blair tops with rictus grin, even allowing for headroom.

      Thus Lammy, Miliband, the eleven others and more are in that Max 1%. They only seem like more, having gathered at the feeding trough. But compared to the rest of society, they are only the 1% serving the 1%. That is all they are. That is all🔴🔴🔴

  2. These parasites on the Labour party are a desease..more leathel than any virus.Lets hope that Andy Burnham who I like as a person keeps out of their depraved way.Andy’s been exposed to the disease in the past and hes now making a slow recovery outside of the Westminster bubble.Corbyn should warn him and others just how quickly the desease can spread even amongst the few left.wing practitioners.

  3. The names are predictable apart from Miliband and Lammy. Those two obviously think the Left is finished in the LP, the others are not, in any meaningful sense, Left.

    1. It crossed my mind that slow to learn Gordon Brown said, or shouted to Blair- I WILL NEVER TRUST A SINGLE WORD YOU SAY AGAIN ‼️ after the creature had deceived him for the umpteenth time.
      Has Brown learnt his lesson? Or, is he also failing to learn? Is he still fantasising about “CONVERTING” Blair to honesty? Was Brown also misled by his “friend” McDonnell? Did he also commit the error of swallowing McDonnell’s “advice”? Eg. “WORK AROUND _____ .” “Work around” parasites eg Tony Blair❓ ❓ ❓

    1. Could we get Starmer on board,hes definitely got a “funny Tinge” about him or its the drinking.Second thoughts cancel the flights we can’t afford to let this fanatic anywhere near the duty free…..Kick him out and his misfits.

    2. The 13 named Labour Front Benchers who did not even register mild disapproval at the deportations have made it absolutely clear that to them Black Lives Don’t Matter.So next time any of them come knocking on your door looking for you vote tell them that that Black Lives Matter to you ( whatever your ethnic origin) and say only two more words to them the second of which is OFF.

  4. Craig Murray:

    The State You May Not Criticise

    n the 15 year history of this blog, I have criticised the Human Rights records of states including Bahrain, Belarus, Brazil, Burma, Cameroon, China, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Libya, the Maldives, the Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Sweden, Syria, Tajikistan, Thailand, Togo, Turkey, Uganda, the United Kingdom, the United States, Uzbekistan, Venezuela and Zimbabwe.

    The only country of which criticism has resulted in substantial legal and political action against me and attempted censorship is Israel. Criticism of Israel also immediately results in heavy suppression of traffic to my site from the corporate gatekeepers of Twitter, Facebook and Google……

  5. ON a point of interest in the quality of the appointments to the knights front bench \back sliders Louise Haigh shadow spokesperson on NIreland co regarding the refusal for a public inquiry into the Murder of pat finucane human rights lawyer(14bullets for pat and one for Geraldine his wife ). “The” fact that it happened on British soil “.A ignorant comment by a ignorant person who shows no historical context of the Labour party veiw on the gerrymandering and Ocuppation of Ulster,or in anyway takes into account the feelings of the finucane family who have suffered with the majority of the Irish with that type of colonialism talk..Breathtakingly insulting to the family and many others murdered by British collusion with death squads is staggering.ITs almost like saying that its the fault of the Irish Catholics that they were invaded 350years ago and kicked off the land and murdered by the empire if they couldn’t flee..I have a gut feeling that if my anger and frustration is anything to go off then Starmer should be a very worried 😟 man

  6. No surprise to see jess ‘mouth almighty’ philips on that list…whoda thunkit?

    …But lammy???

    1. No surprise Toffee. Lammy was often on the radio and has LOUDLY gone along with the anti-Semitic lies about Jeremy. Lammy was rewarde🔴

    2. Toffee Lammy has always been a toerag to coin a phrase off one of are posters.Hes made a good carreer on playing the racial card whilst being a stand in for uncle OBama….another neo liberal Carrerest,whatever colour race or religion he is.

  7. Oh, and I’m just as surprised to see greasy’s name NOT part of that 13, Skwawky

    Didn’t see the moniker of the #noshittaking mp – with her ‘ad hoc’ approach to casual racism – on that letter…

    1. Are these reporters all ‘overstayers’ to use Home Office jargon or are some criminals who were ordered to be deported at the end of their sentences?
      Can’t think of any working class Labour supporters against the deportation of the criminals (if any). The metropolitan elite of course will have a different view.

      1. Rubbish, even so called criminals are entitled to the homeland they have served over many years, when the decisions to deport or not rests on the Home Office you know it’s political.

      2. Rolfe Harris ❓❓❓ Still here. Still prowling around schools for girls. How come he is still here❓❓❓ The deportations are loud whistles to racist. Witting racists and unwitting ones. Oh and the easily “duped”🔴🔴🔴

  8. Just seen this mornings papers which recount tale of Jamaican man released after 6 year jail term term for possession of weapons, assault, and drug offences, successfully avoided deportation because of his ‘human rights’. 6 months later he is now remanded charged with murder, attempted murder and firearms and drug offences. Obviously our metropolitan elite MPs can tell us how this man should continue to live off the UK taxpayer and discuss the human rights of his no doubt many victims, not just the ones he has been charged with the murder and attempted murders of.

    1. Rolfe Harris ❓❓❓ Still here. Still prowling around schools for girls. How come he is still here❓❓❓ The deportations are loud whistles to racist. Witting racists and unwitting ones. Oh and the easily “duped”🔴🔴🔴

    2. Drug dealers and TV stars can afford smarter lawyers than Home Office lawyers and tie them up in court for years, costing the exchequer millions – Joe next door’s lawyer is easy meat.

  9. Would BLM file a candidate to stand for the London Mayoral Election next year? It is clear that Black lives don’t matter to Starmer and his cronies.
    Could a good BLM’s candidate with street credentials, upset Sadiq’s re-election as Mayor in London? I don’t know, but it could make Sadiq victory less of a sure thing,

      1. And you’d know. But sadiqs one of your lot so best do all you can to get him re-elected, eh?

      2. Toffee – I’m not the one who is a self confessed ‘Tory Boy’.

      3. Again – Show everyone where I’m supposed to have confessed to being a toerag?

        You can’t, can you? Because you’re absolutely shit at everything.

        Instead, remind us all just who the toerag is who supports AND defends the toerag who openly brags about supporting the toerags.?

        Clue: it’s YOU.

        And you’re still to inform us of a single toerag policy your toerag has opposed, or the difference between your toerag and the bona fide toerags…

        You were saying??? 😏

      4. You can’t just reduce it to “ANY Labour government would be better than a Tory government”. Blair wasn’t, and no Labour government as far to the right as Blair would be worth even trying to have. Nobody would even cheer if such a party won.

      5. kenburch – A reasonable comment to make but Keir Starmer isn’t a Blairite but if he’s ousted his replacement will almost certainly be a Blairite.

    1. Maria – “It is clear that Black lives don’t matter to Starmer”

      BUT only if you ignore the facts.

      – Knightood for pro bono work
      He was appointed the Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath (KCB) in the 2014 New Year Honours list for his outstanding contribution to pro bono work in challenging the death penalty across the Caribbean and also in Uganda, Kenya and Malawi.

      – Helped abolish the death penalty in several countries
      Sir Keir has worked to eradicate the death penalty in the Caribbean, Africa and most recently in Taiwan, where he made a four-day trip with the Foreign Office to meet with the country’s vice-president, minister of justice and senior judiciary. At the time, there were more than 40 prisoners on death row in the republic.

      It is arguable that Keir Starmer has actually had a direct influence on saving more black lives than any other member of the MP.

      1. SteveH, PR troll for Keir Starmer . I think we are all aware that the flexible opportunist , Keir Starmer, has adopted many different personnas and stances in his climb to power, Steve H. So before entering Parliament he apparently found it politically useful to do a bit of touring about to get other states to conform to long-established practice on the death penalty in the UK . Not a very radical posture, SteveH, just fitting in with the current ‘Liberal consensus’ on capital punishment – and useful in distracting from his generally very authoritarian record as DPP . And he did get a Knighthood for this ‘pro bono humanitarian’ work . Not very ‘radical’ really, eh ?

        But, as with Starmer’s solemn, Leadership contest ‘Ten Pledges’, all now quite clearly thrown in the bin, as Nulabour reverts to its Blairite neoliberal past – ‘that was then – this is now’. Defending the Starmer of TODAY, with his rule-ignoring authoritarian ‘Party management, grovelling to NATO and the arms Lobby, refusal to support ANY progressive issue or cause – even stand up for endangered teachers and their unions in schools riven by covid19, is like defending the Benito Mussolini of his fascist dictator years by reminding us that – “Benito was a staunch Socialist once – even the editor of the Party newspaper, Avanti”, Yep, he was indeed – but as with the opportunist shape-shifting Starmer of previous years , ‘that was then – this is now’ ! Tony Blair , as a young wannabe Labour MP, once wrote to the then Labour Leader, Michael Foot, claiming he had ‘come to Labour Party politics – via Marx” ! The opportunist politician always has numerous faces to display the years pass. But now ,Starmer (the creature of the Trilateral Commission) has clearly revealed what a stooge of neoliberal capitalism he really is .

      2. jpenney – ….. and yet a couple of simple facts certainly rattled your cage.

      3. Then abstained on a bill that legalises rape and murder.

      4. The further from the UK, the easier for many to display radicalism. And today, in the UK, opposition to the death penalty is scarcely radical.

        As a barrister and DPP, did KS ‘stand up’ for young BAEM men slapped up overnight in police cells, with alarming rates of harm, including death. That’s a genuine question as I have no information on the issue, only doubts.

      5. Paul – I find it quite amusing that you are so desperate to deny the good he has done.

      6. SteveH / davidh / PC / DM / SH / RH / AH etc (never sure which identity u r using from one minute to the next) … never mind, you claim that your Sir Keith Starmer used an expensive greenhouse-gas emitting taxpayer funded junket, to lecture foreigners about state sanctioned premeditated murder.

        Yet your same Sir Keith cruelly incarcerated Julian Assange. WHY❓ Because Julian exposed warcrimes, evil doings, DEADLY atrocities sanctioned and enabled by your war criminal Tony Blair and its pleasured orifice George Bush.

        SteveH / davidh / PC / DM / SH / RH / AH whomsoever you are this minute, you suck up to Keith claiming he lectures people abroad, including where you claim you’ll “retire” – the Caribbean. Yet you tool tirelessly for your Sir. Your Sir Max Headroom in turn tools for Tony Blair who caused the horrific slaughter of over a million in Iraq alone.

        You devote yourself to the vile creature Blair which caused millions more to grieve. Its insatiable war-mongering to enrich the arms dealers of the 1% is supported by your Starmer. How you ever sleep on your hour off, is a mystery.

        Your shameless incoherence AH or whoever you all are … best call you LEGION in future. Demonic ones. Legion of demons, hence your endless shamelessness.

      7. Oh dear windchimes, your desperation is palpable, What I am saying is that Keir was instrumental in several Commonwealth countries abolishing the death penalty, surely that’s a good thing, isn’t it?
        I’m quite happy to lay claim to SteveH & stevedavidh, the first is my display name and the second is my account name. Both are clearly visible for all to see on every comment I post. As for the rest I think you may find that some of these individuals might be a bit pissed off with you for mistaking them for me. I have never posted on this site using any other account. You’re very welcome to try and prove otherwise.
        I have never supported Blair on this or any other forum, you are likewise welcome to try and prove otherwise.
        If you can’t get even the basics right it is difficult to have much faith in anything you assert.

      8. SH once again you pretend to fail to realise that the aim of all the identities associated with you are as all counterproductive to the “Left” escaping from the repeated defeats. I focus on the NATURE of your output. Is it constructive or destructive? If positive, i try my best to support and encourage time permitting. If destructive, then i try my best to analyse and rebut.

        Your posts are in the main, incompatible with changing the status quo ie the exploitation of the many to enrich the 1%. Starmer’s priority as you well know, is to GUARD the status quo eg by trying to destroy those who expose atrocities. Hence his caging of Julian Assange.

        Apologies if you are lumped with the others based on your output. The “right basic” are that you all toil with different words and techniques to stop meaningful change. That is all. Pull another one😅
        i LOVE a challenge.

        Oh, and i NEVER run away to hide. I’m here for the long-haul. p.s. despite your invitation, i won’t go searching for your old posts and logging times like your peculiar chum … best left unnamed😂 lest he awakes in a rage and spills his meds… possibly prescribed by his great great …. great grandfather Legion 666… could be anything … an hourly THICK broth of newts, woodlice, toenail clippings, Blair’s slime, Twatson’s perspiration, Hodge maggots, mould and pungent Max Headroom’s jelly. Your friend INSISTS on taking it, despite his deterioration. He’ll never learn. He rejects all help or is one of your lot. Poor poor thing.

      9. windchimes – You are of course entitled to your delusional opinion. Here’s a couple of ⭐⭐ for your admiral if misguided perseverance.

      10. Here’s a couple back to you ⭐️⭐️ for your own perseverance, plus another ⭐️ As perseverance is good. And here’s another for your shamelessness ⭐️
        WHY? Because i find it quite stunningly incomprehensible combined with the persistence.

        As mentioned b4, despite my confident post, i’m in a state of perpetual self-questioning … since childhood. Always reflecting on different angles diverse possibilities. Who knows, perhaps you’re not an evil underling tool. You may be at supervisor level. OR possibly a researcher doing some psych experiment to see how readers react to abjectly depraved shamelessness.

        Then again, you may even be trying indirectly to help us develop assertiveness and start putting our case, deconstructing attacks etc. So either way your extra ⭐️ may be deserved for providing your input as URGENTLY needed tinder / coals / fodder / scrap paper / preparation exercises for battles to come or LIVING … We’ve only just begun, to live 🎵 as timfrom and i think Wobbly suggested earlier 😊😊😊

      11. windchime – ” i’m in a state of perpetual self-questioning … since childhood. Always reflecting on different angles diverse possibilities.”

        It is disappointing that you haven’t managed to come up with the right answers yet.

      12. But we keep trying SteveH. We never give up. We are not as “bright” like you with your “right” answers fed to you by your Sir on your crib-sheet grid 😅😅😅

      13. Excuse me but I don’t want to anyone to think I’m encouraging cheesy 70s soft rock acts here or anywhere else. I have my street cred to think of, y’know! I merely thought I recognised the song Wobbly was alluding to. Not trying to get a singalong going. That is all.

      14. 🤣🤣🤣 Funny timing !!! How strange life is!!! I just searched the lyrics😂😂😂 I have a sister much older than i. When Wobbly then u mentioned it. Immediately remembered my sister singing it. She was always singing or humming and still does🎶 sweet really …will phone her 😊 😊😊

      15. Who gives a flying fuck about what stammers done in other countries?

        How about he delivers justice here in blighty?

        Where’s the justice for the poor bastards sleeping on park benches?

        The poor disabled folk who’ve had their financial safety net ragged from under them by some unqualified greedy little fraudulent fucker on behalf of that ogre Coffey?

        The low paid relying on foodbanks’ to exist?

        Stammers doing/has done fuck all for them. He’d rather dictate terms of how you are to refer to israel and see you hounded by the law if you step out of line than ensure people here have a roof over their heads and food in their bellies.

        And you enable AND espouse his every shithouse trick.

      16. Toffee – You should be addressing your questions to the f’wits who voted for Boris, I wonder how many deaths they are responsible for because of the Tory’s mismanagement of the Covid-19 pandemic.

      17. Steve H, he hasn’t signed the letter in favour of stopping deportations to the Caribbean from what clearly are British citizens. He called BLM a “moment”, he spoke against the removal of slave traders statues “without seeking consent” first, as if those statues were erected with the consent of the Black communities in the first place.
        He whipped Labour MPs to abstain on the Covert Human Intelligence Sources and the Overseas Operation Bills. Who do you think are going to find most likely at the other end of their applications? BAMEs communities at home and abroad perhaps?

      18. Maria – Are you confused by the parliamentary procedures surrounding the various readings of bills

      19. I’m addressing the question to the shithouse who enabled stammer to alienate the floating voter and labour leave voters.

        May your Caribbean retirement go very very wrong. I hope your retirement dwelling is blown away by a hurricane; it’ll be justice for all the least fortunate in society that you happily shat on to shoehorn that tory prick into a position where the workers party has become fully subservient to the aristo/pluto/kleptocratic party.

        I hope you suffer just a percentage of the suffering and misfortunes you have visited on the poor you rat’s bastard.

      20. Toffee – How disappointing, is that really all you could manage to come up with. 😞

      21. Apart from the fact that’s all bullshit, could you please address this issue here and now?

        Trading in black lives isn’t really on these days BTW. You sound like someone explaining how Britain ended slavery ffs.

  10. Once they start smelling like bad stench, they keep that smell with them forever, these MPs have always had me suspicious with previous actions,or lack of them.

    None of them are worthy of being representative of people ever, not to be trusted at anytime in the future, just ignore now, whatever they say, as it will be you tarnishing your own reputation, if you believe them.

  11. Looks like Starmer focus group has identified that the Tory Voters and Red Wall voters he is trying to win over are all racists.
    (Or maybe he has been talking to Gordon Brown)

  12. I don’t think you can condemn Starmer for being in favour of repatriation of foreign criminals who after murdering, raping, destroying communities through drug crime and fraud have served their time in jail and now need to go. I wonder if the mindset of the woke wankers who signed the useless virtual signalling letter is that we must accede to any request from crooks (and their lawyers) who play the race card. All people should be judged on their actions and characters regardless of how pink or brown they are. Such racism is a disgrace.

    1. Does “foreign” mean that people who’ve lived here all their lives, who may have never lived in their notional ‘own’ countries, have no relatives whatever there – but family, friends, job and support structure in the UK, and committed some minor offence … should be deported as if they were foreign nationals here for a week on a robbery spree?
      What should the tariffs of offences and residency look like?
      Not wearing a Covid mask – deport? Or only for rape and murder?
      Star footballer of your team forgets to pay for his petrol – deport? (done that myself – luckily the attendant saw me distracted helping another driver with her pump)
      Born on the plane just before it touches down at Heathrow – deport?

      1. You’re struggling here with your argument I can see. What is plain is that you are only open to the desires of the crook, the fraudster, murderer and rapist to stay here and benefit from the support of this society they are undermining with their actions.

      2. PC, the courts distinguish between degrees of criminality when sentencing.
        In order not to deny natural justice, degree of criminality ought also to be taken into account when determining whether or not someone is deported after their sentence is served.
        Even if you’re not a typical Mail reading racist – and I have my doubts – you need to think about what other one-size-fits-all policies and penalties the Tories and Labour right might impose once the precedent is established.
        Defended court cases are expensive. Why wouldn’t the right want to replace costly litigation with summary, possibly block decisions on 10 or 100 cases, by civil servants, with the stroke of a pen, working to targets?
        That’s what you’re advocating with your “deport them all” nonsense.
        Martin Niemöller could have written “First they came for the foreigners…”

    2. Plain citizen, so you would deport someone for jumping a barrier and not paying a train ticket? No all the people put on these deportation planes are murderers and rapists.
      Some are desperate people that engaged in benefit fraud of a few pounds every week so that they can pay for heating their homes or engaged in shoplifting to have a new pair of trainers. That many of these people happen to be poor and black only speaks of the inherent structural racism of British society, that push them into crime in the first place.
      What about deporting wealthy foreigners that don’t pay all their taxes?

      1. Well said, Maria.
        When political charlatans compete to be “tougher than them on law and order” in times of austerity, eventually the question of how to punish starving children for stealing loaves of bread arises.
        Mail readers, given a referendum, would bring back hanging tomorrow.
        Only the left prevents the descent into competitive fascism.

    3. Seems you know how to play the race card too. Your racism is s disgrace.

      Who the FUCK let you in here?

      1. Above comment was reply to Plain Citizen 1/12/20 @ 2.50pm

  13. Contempt for Labour socialist values is all your ever get from these New Labour 2.0 cultists in charge of Labour currently and why is anyone surprised by this?

    MR abstainer or me to Tory policies is Starmer’s new Labour 2.0 politics never care for others MONEY is everything and the only thing that matters to them…

  14. Five Members of the NEC have written to Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner. Below is their letter in full

    Dear Keir and Angela,
    We know that the frontbench don’t normally take part in ‘round robin letters’ but we are alarmed that there has been no comment from you both in response to the deportation flight scheduled for 2nd December.
    The “hostile environment” is alive and kicking despite the fact that according to the EHRC, the Home Office broke the law with its pursuit of the policy. Some of the individuals on the plane arrived in this country as children and many now have their own. Britain is their home.
    The Windrush scandal is inhumane and unjust. Both of you have previously condemned it and you were right to do so. Now as leaders of the Labour Party you are obligated to speak out in condemnation of this injustice and stand up for Black communities.
    We must listen to the experiences of migrant communities, many of whom feel unwanted and unwelcome in this country despite spending their lives here, always fearing that one day they may be ‘sent back’ because of the colour of their skin, facing everyday inequality, direct racism, as well as institutionalised and structural racism.
    We, the Labour Party, have to assure them that Britain is their home and the Labour Party will fight for their basic human rights.
    You both took the knee earlier in the year to pay homage to the Black Lives Matter movement. Given the trauma these deportations have caused Black communities, we are shocked that neither of you have intervened, opposed or made any public statement to ease the pain and to show solidarity in response to the Conservative government’s planned deportations.
    As members of the national executive committee, and many of us coming from Black, Asian and ethnic communities, we request that you make a decisive and compassionate intervention in this matter, so that communities who need us the most do not feel let down by us in their time of need.

    In solidarity
    Gemma Bolton
    Yasmine Dar
    Nadia Jama
    Laura Pidcock
    Mish Rahman

      1. Well done
        Gemma Bolton
Yasmine Dar
Nadia Jama
Laura Pidcock
Mish Rahman
        Glad my nominating you at GC and voting you onto the NEC was worth it🌹🌹🌹

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