Video: NEC member and Unite leadership candidate – ‘Frankly Keir Starmer should be ashamed of himself’

Damning comments from Howard Beckett during Labour Grassroots ‘Not the Andrew Marr Show’ zoom call published by popular demand

The Labour Grassroots (LG) ‘Not the Andrew Marr Show’s Zoom discussion featured an explosive contribution from Howard Beckett, a member of Labour’s National Executive (NEC) and a leading candidate for the leadership of the Unite union when incumbent Len McCluskey resigns.

Beckett hammered Starmer for letting the Tories off the hook, by starting a civil war with the left while thousands of mostly working-class people are dying of COVID-19 – then went on to list Starmer’s failures to stand up to the Tories on their mismanagement of the pandemic crisis and their plans to make working people rather than the wealthy pay for the measures needed to prop up the economy.

As if that wasn’t enough, Beckett then exposed the Labour right’s misrepresentation in the media of the conclusions of the EHRC report and for hobbling Labour’s ability to tackle racism by demonising anyone who tries to discuss what’s really going on.

Those watching immediately began asking for Beckett’s section to be clipped and released – and LG duly obliged. Watch and share:

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