Video: Tories’ new pay subsidy scheme – it’s so complicated even Sunak gets his explanation wrong

Sunak’s inadequate and completely confusing scheme baffles even Sunak

Tory Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s new pay subsidy scheme has rightly been condemned as woefully inadequate and deeply confusing. In fact, it’s so confusing that he can’t even get it right himself when he tried to explain it in the Commons today, as Sky News had to point out just afterwards:

So baffling is the scheme that Sunak got it wrong – though with so many overlapping percentages, it’s hardly surprising.

This is not remotely an adequate substitute for the furlough scheme, which Sunak has been cutting toward its close at the end of October – but then, he doesn’t even intend it to be.

He thinks that just because keeping people paid will help demand and reduce the worst of the economic crash his boss’s arrogance and mishandling of the pandemic has caused – alongside tens of thousands of needless deaths and a rapidly towering second wave – it’s ‘fundamentally wrong’ to delay companies throwing them out into the poverty of the vicious Universal Credit system.

And it looks like Sunak wants the new scheme to be thoroughly confusing, so that companies will find it harder to navigate and even more people will find themselves in the dole queue and financial misery.

Never, ever trust a Tory.

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