Corbyn’s simple ‘solidarity’ post receives more than 30k likes in first hour – and shows that strength of the movement remains if it pulls together

As Establishment inside and outside Labour tries to bury former Labour leader and his movement, a simple thank-you tweet shows strength remaining if the left pulls together

With the Establishment – within the Labour Party and without – continuing its attempts to bury Jeremy Corbyn and rewrite history, the former Labour leader could be excused for battening down the hatches. Five years of non-stop and escalating abuse is enough for any reasonable person.

But instead, Corbyn has continued calmly standing up for what’s right – and a simple thank-you tweet has shown the strength of the solidarity in the left if it pulls together.

As a crowdfund to support him passed £80,000 in its first day, Corbyn responded with a 15-word tweet and matching Facebook post thanking supporters for their solidarity and pledging to continue the fight for a better world:

The message has been shared and liked tens of thousands of times and ‘liked’ many more – 16,000 on Facebook in its first hour and around the same on Twitter, quickly rising to 19,000:

The Establishment is again demonstrating how its shamelessness and hubris can unite the left. If the left can harness that strength it will do more than weather the storm that its enemies are trying to unleash.

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