Beckett terrifies Tory rag into histrionics

Simple statement standing up for working-class people has Express in a tizzy

Unite leadership favourite Howard Beckett has terrified the Express into a frantic headline screaming about his ‘brutal warning’ to Labour leader Keir Starmer.

The article beneath the headline goes on to describe Beckett’s comments as ‘chilling’ – but when it finally gets round to saying what the chillingly brutal warning is, it’s Beckett’s simple statement that he won’t stand by and let Boris Johnson and Starmer ‘dump the fall-out’ of the economic impact of the pandemic on working-class people:

Beckett’s forthright approach and track record of success in industrial disputes has also seen the Murdoch Times attack him as a left-wing ‘hard man’.

It’s not hard to see why Labour movement giants including Jennie Formby, Jim Kelly and – in an email circulated by the Scottish PULS – Unite chair Tony Woodhouse – have all backed Beckett to be the left’s candidate for Unite’s next general secretary.

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