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Video: Tory Matt Hancock can’t name a single black member of the Cabinet – but says ‘the really important thing’ is mostly-white group has ‘diversity of thought’

(There are none, but he seemed desperate not to admit that)

Health Secretary Matt Hancock squirmed this morning when he was asked on Sky News to name a black member of the Cabinet. Hancock ummed and ahhed, then named three Asian colleagues – but was unable to name a black person.

Which is unsurprising, since there are none – but he couldn’t bring himself to say that:

Hancock could name a single black MP who is allowed to ‘sit around the Cabinet table with me’ – and then, staggeringly, claimed that ‘the really important thing’ is that the almost all-white (and mostly male) group has ‘diversity of thought’.

But he didn’t think the UK is a racist country.

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  1. Diversity of thought?!… Diversity of thought?!… Freemarketeers to a man [or woman]… or woman. They wouldn’t recognise diversity of thought if it hit them over the head.

    1. They also have the EHRC in their back pocket
      Should we start calling them the ‘National White Peoples’ party
      Change the Language

  2. As soon as a wet hankie is thrown at the police the toilet papers and the state close down the debate
    Change the language
    We condemn violence on all sides, who chose to send in mounted police against innocent protesters when we know they have snatch squads to seize rioters
    How many police have gone to gaol for death in custody, ever

  3. “Err, Boris’s grandad was Turkish – that proves we have diversity of thought, I think you’ll find.”
    “And at this particular time a wet hankie (you’d better not be referring to me) could be construed as attempted murder – so STAY at HOME. Err, unless you have a job. Those people yesterday clearly don’t have jobs. We saw to that.”

  4. Diversity of thought from the perpetrators of the Windrush Scanda!l
    And some argue Neo-Liberal Tory national and local policy caused Grenfell!
    The Neo-Liberal Tories only get out of bed to exploit diverse working people for the profits of the rich.
    Someone once said the rich believe in one thing, getting the right people in the right positions so Tories in Govt, Tory lackies in BBC, Starner as Leader of the Opposition- they now have a full set!

  5. Sounds like we must have quotas to reflect our requirements, gay and black, gay and Asian, trans and chinese and Jewish? Plus a regulator to rule if someone is black enough. May need genetic analysis to help on this one. Apparently some publications written in German in the 1930’s may be helpful and near to the hearts of some contributors to this site. On a tangent if it’s ok for demonstrators to riot against the Met Police re George Floyd why aren’t our socialist cousins across the pond rioting against the NYPD over the Windrush scandal? Or is it just opportunist rent a mob stuff from the Lannsman crowd again.

    1. Until the rest of you are grown up enough to regulate yourselves I’ll accept regulation.
      Of course there are inconsistencies – there are in any belief system – it’s the inconsistencies that keep us thinking.
      The only problem with a perfect socialist society will be what to talk about.

    2. The Colour of the skin should not mattrr,but Johnson and his gang are chosen on psychopathic behaviour and United in the evil they plot.Homicidal is the main criminal offence but all are united in hatred for the working class of whatever colour,race or religion.and seek pleasure from watching the “peasantry run and hide..Blessed those from the Streets who seek justice and equality by the only language the establishment Understand.

  6. Thank God there are some in this government who have more grey matter than porridge in their heads — you know — Boris, Cummings, IDS, the is long and undistinguished!

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