Gardiner’s video on Commons voting queue system has to be seen to be believed – but what does it say about school return?

If MPs have to spread out for more than a kilometre to stay safe for a vote, how can the Tories claim it’s safe for our kids to be cooped up in classrooms?

Labour’s Barry Gardiner has published a video of his walk along the more than one kilometre route taken by MPs in order to vote, now that the government has abolished the temporary electronic voting system Parliament had adopted because of the coronavirus.

Gardiner gives an idea of the nonsense of the manual voting system, which meant MPs shuffling in line for hours to cast their vote – ironically on the government’s plan to end electronic voting.

But if these ridiculous measures are necessary to protect MPs from infection, then how can the government claim its safe for children to start to return to school?

Especially when the latest study by leading virologists of infections among children shows that they carry the same viral load as adults and are no less likely to either contract or transmit the infection – and the government’s own scientists say sending children back to school will drive up infection rates.

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