Video: BBC reports France is excluding deaths outside hospital from CV figures – but neglects to mention UK doing same

UK insiders say government not including non-hospital deaths in its reporting

The BBC has reported at length this morning on the failings of European governments on the coronavirus crisis – but is failing to even mention that the UK government is doing the same or worse in many cases.

For example, the broadcaster gave a video segment to the under-reporting of deaths by the French government, which is excluding those who die outside hospital, in spite of many care homes in France seeing significant losses among elderly residents.

Yet not one word about the fact – reported days ago by the SKWAWKBOX and other outlets – that the UK government is doing exactly the same in excluding non-hospital deaths, even while the NHS is forced to send home many patients presenting with COVID-19 symptoms:

The BBC also criticised Spain for a lack of awareness of how many of its residents are infected because it is not testing them – with no mention of the Tories not even testing front-line NHS workers, let alone the wider population.

The UK’s media are aiding and abetting the Tory government in its misinformation of the public.

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