Harrow hospital stands down critical incident after CV case surge overloads critical care: “better than it was”

Hospital forced to send seriously ill patients to other hospitals but now says no longer sending patients to other facilities

Northwick Park hospital in the north-west London borough of Harrow declared a ‘critical incident’ last night after a surge in coronavirus cases overloaded its critical care capacity.

The hospital sent a message to staff to notify them of the news:

I am writing to let you know that we have this evening declared a ‘critical incident’ in relation to our critical care capacity at Northwick Park Hospital. This is due to an increasing number of patients with Covid-19.

In the last hour, the hospital has ‘stood down’ its critical alert status – although it remains under pressure, it is not currently sending patients elsewhere.

A press spokesman told the SKWAWKBOX:

It’s better than it was, that’s all we can say. Everyone is still under a lot of pressure.

The hospital’s formal statement will be added when it is received.

Update: a spokesperson for London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust said:

We can confirm that our Critical Incident status has been stood down. Critical care capacity for patients with coronavirus is being organised on a cross-London basis so that hospitals and organisations work together to deliver the best possible care for patients and that is what has happened in this case.

This kind of coordinated, flexible response is one of the NHS’s strengths but with staff pulling out all the stops they need the public to play their part too, by following the expert guidance on washing your hands, staying at home and using health services responsibly.

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