“Bolsover beast” Skinner endorses Burgon for deputy

Veteran Labour firebrand backs candidate: “he gives me hope – I urge CLPs and unions to vote for him”

Richard Burgon with outspoken Labour veteran Denis Skinner

Denis Skinner, one of Labour’s best-known and best-loved MPs – except by right-wingers on the receiving end of his equally well-known quips and tongue-lashings – has backed Richard Burgon in the race to become the Labour Party’s next deputy leader.

Skinner said of his decision:

I’m backing Richard to be Deputy Leader of the Labour Party. Richard is a socialist who never gives in and never gives up. He gives me hope for the future of our Party. I urge CLPs & unions to nominate Richard and members to vote for him

The endorsement by such a giant of the movement is a huge boost for Burgon’s campaign, which is being chaired by Laura Pidcock, another hugely popular Labour star.

Having already won the support of the giant Unite union and the Bakers’ union, Burgon requires a nomination from one more union or any Labour-affiliated socialist society – in reality the Socialist Health Association or the Socialist Education Association, as many of the other socialist societies are essentially Blairite-run fronts – to make it into the full ballot of members.

Any leadership or deputy candidate who does not achieve the affiliate nomination threshold can qualify for the full vote if 33 CLPs (constituency Labour parties) nominate him or her. CLPs who have not already held nomination meetings will be doing so shortly, so check with your local secretary for the date and location.

The SKWAWKBOX asks all Labour members, supporters and affiliates to make sure that both Burgon and Dawn Butler are on the ballot paper – and to give first- and second- preference votes to them.

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