
Video: Johnson refuses twice to rule out further NHS privatisation. Labour will do far more than that

Evasiveness during BBC interview speaks volumes

Boris Johnson was tonight asked twice whether he would rule out further NHS privatisation, during a BBC interview.

And twice he refused to do so:

Johnson even attempted to dodge the question by referring to optometrists and dentists, who are technically self-employed but are already in the NHS and have no relevance to a question about expanding privatisation.

Leading GP and health campaigner Dr Kailash Chand said:

All my life I have campaigned that it is a fundamental right to receive free healthcare at the point-of-need for all Britons. This right exists in this country regardless of your age, health, wealth, race and gender. But I think the views and policies of Boris Johnson are a threat to that concept.
Johnson lauded a TTIP trade deal with the USA as “Churchillian”. This was the very trade deal that lawyers and campaigners warned posed a very real risk to the NHS.

Johnson has expressed an interest in pursuing a Canada style trading deal with the EU . His chief purpose for doing so is it would free the UK up to negotiate a trade deal with the USA.
And we know what that could bring. TTIP documents leaked in 2016 showed US lifestyle and technological corporations were interested in tariff free access to certain goods in the UK. In addition, firms linked to the wider healthcare sector wanted the same competitive tender rights enjoyed by UK corporations.

Johnson’s admiration of Donald Trump may mean he would be keen to sign up to a bargain-basement trade deal with the US – a shoddy agreement that would slash workers’ rights, and privatise the NHS.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn tweeted video of Johnson’s unmistakable shiftiness – and restated Labour’s commitment to a fully public health service:

In fact, Labour plans not only to restore a fully public NHS, but to create a National Care Service to provide social care – and a National Education Service to ensure that young and old alike are provided for to an unprecedented level.

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  1. The NHS is in danger, the way I see it is the tories are being fraudulent, there will always be an A&E, even the US has an emergency room, but that is what we are going to be left with, basic emergency care, So many procedures have already been removed and require payment, this will happen more and more until you will need insurance to cover the cost of those important times we will need the NHS. Because of the covert way the NHS is being stripped most of the country beleive it to be safe, it isn’t

  2. His “duper’s delight” tell was on show as well.

    Labour should weaponise this and explain to the public in a party political broadcast how this proves he’s a lying bastard!

    1. Absolutely !! Labour will miss a trick here if they don’t fully expose him in a Party Political broadcast; do a compilation of it all;

      The Eddie Mair clip where he calls Johnson a nasty piece of work for what seems like aiding and abetting with his friend to do potential GBH,
      The clip of him when London Mayor telling the LFB to ‘Get stuffed’ when they air their concerns about the cuts and risk to lives in high rise flats,
      His ‘do or die’ ‘die in a ditch’ promise that never happened, sadly. GET ON THIS LABOUR !!

      Johnson has also agreed to do alive debate on ITV;
      Remember how Cameron kept whipping out that awful MP Liam Byrne letter saying there was no money left ?At any multi leaders of parties debate Jeremy Corbyn should whip out a pre-written affidavit for all leaders to sign their own copy there and then with a solicitor present and on screen stating that as PM or a coalition PM of the UK they swear and declare that they will not allow the NHS to be part of a trade deal.

      This will put Swinson and Johnson right on the spot and allow the public to witness their true intentions.


      C’mon Labour, up your game, we campaigners can only do so much.

  3. The only thing any journalist needs to remember in reporting on Johnson is that his consistency is in the fact that he lies through his teeth.

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