As MPs and public rally against Johnson’s attack on democracy, Swinson is – on holiday

LibDem leader takes a break during constitutional crisis
Jeremy Corbyn speaking to Glasgow democracy protesters

Today saw protests in towns and cities up and down the country, as MPs and the public rallied to demonstrate for democracy and against Boris Johnson’s ‘prorogation’ of Parliament to prevent MPs holding him to account for his no-deal Brexit push.

Johnson’s move, in which he misled the Queen about his reasons for the suspension, has triggered a constitutional crisis – and the response has seen Jeremy Corbyn and a host of Labour MPs joining the public, unions and other groups at rallies and marches to defend the UK’s democracy.

With Parliament returning next week with only a few days to act before the suspension kicks in, every minute is vital – but it seems LibDem leader Jo Swinson has a different view.

Corbyn speaking in Glasgow today

The SKWAWKBOX received reports that Ms Swinson has taken a vacation – and the LibDem press office confirmed this evening that she is on holiday ‘with her family’.

The LibDem leader attracted criticism earlier this month for claiming she would ‘do whatever it takes’ to prevent a no-deal Brexit, in the same speech in which she said she wouldn’t support Jeremy Corbyn’s plan to stand as ‘interim PM’ to prevent a no-deal Brexit.

She was also derided over her preference to see Tory Ken Clarke as interim PM, even though the veteran Conservative said he wanted to enact Brexit with a better deal – and for holding a series of talks with Boris Johnson.

Her decision to take a break during a crisis that may tip the UK off the no-deal Brexit ‘cliff’ is unlikely to escape a similar response – especially when she has falsely claimed that Corbyn went on holiday during the 2016 referendum campaign.

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