Mass response to media ‘bunker’ claim with stories and selfies of meeting Corbyn

Persistent spin by corporate media ‘busted’ in emphatic terms

A Labour activist’s tweet about a persistent media narrative has drawn a mass response to debunk the myth.

The @ToryFibs account tweeted that the “Murdoch press says Jeremy Corbyn hides in his London bunker. Lets test that theory“:

In response, hundreds of Labour supporters tweeted their own pictures and memories of meeting Corbyn all over the UK – and of the natural warmth and humanity they encountered:

Some talked about Corbyn’s directness, honesty and ability to talk about issues knowledgeably and meaningfully – and his support for causes the Establishment often ignored or opposed:

Others opted to take the, er, mickey out of the Establishment’s fake narrative:

Still others pointed out the contrast between Corbyn’s energy and appearances and the absence of other figures who might be expected to be highly visible as a no-deal Brexit draws nearer:

There will be no shortage of others with their stories to tell. Here’s a small part of the queue last weekend in Bolton to see the Labour leader:

Have your own memories and/or selfies with Jeremy Corbyn? Drop them into the thread here and help bust the corporate media’s fake news.


The Tories appear to be spending huge amounts of money on ads and on bots in an attempt to fabricate an impression of Boris Johnson as a man of the people, even though his sparse encounters with the public have been a disaster so far.

Corbyn is the real deal and all the Tories’ cash can’t fake it.

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