
Video: another BBC presenter makes c-word slip referring to Tory leadership hopeful

Foreign – and former Health – Secretary unflatteringly misnamed again in what has become BBC tradition
Jeremy… Hunt

The unfortunately-named Jeremy Hunt has received the c-treatment from yet another BBC presenter, just as the Foreign – and former disastrous Health – Secretary launches his bid to become the next Tory leader.

Victoria Derbyshire became the latest perpetrator/victim this morning:

Ms Derbyshire is merely the latest BBC presenter to fall foul in this way, following in the steps of Jim Naughtie, Justin Webb and many others.


The BBC is often rightly criticised for being a mouthpiece of the Tory party – but in one area, at least, it frequently and hilariously reflects the public’s thoughts, even if only in a Freudian manner.

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  1. If the cunt fits ….

    All we now is the trolls to come along and blame it all on Jeremy Corbyn.

    1. For heaven’s sake she was tired. Forgive and spread the love to our Aunty. Can’t wait for the next one. Johnson?

  2. All these people on Tv are saying it, so there MUST be something in it, right?

    Isn’t that how it works?

  3. The UK already has one of the biggest military budgets in the world but Hunt recently demanded even more.

    He did not say what taxes he would increase or what services he would cut to pay for it.

    1. He could start by NOT ordering new shithouses at £45k a pop, or NOT cadging free chinese lessons at £4k a pop so he can just about learn how to ask his tart’s parents if they want a cup of tea ffs.

      Oh, and the pencil necked fecker can get bent if he thinks any of my loved ones would fight on his whims and defend his & his mates’ mansions.

    2. It’s just gotta be welfare cuts, education cuts and abolition of freeTV licences for the over-75s, that sorta thing.

      But you can bet your bottom dollar the cuts will not fall on the royal family or corporate welfare. No Tory government will ever cut that little gravy train. Funny that.

    3. Yes they should ALL be calling him *unt & put it down to a slip of the tongue . . . lol

  4. Well you call me a cynic if you like but the BBC’s several “mistakes” are generating a lot of good publicity for Hunt. He has laughed them off, and comes across as good humoured and quietly spoken. These things will appeal to Tory members who were used to Theresa May – a complete contrast to her petulance and pigheadedness. However despite outward appearances he and she are the same underneath – pro privatisation , pro austerity and indifferent to the devastation their policies have caused to all our citizens but particularly the vulnerable .
    Hunt has a lot going for him, from a Tory point of view. As an ex Health Secretary he has experience of privatising elements of the NHS and is therefore is well placed when it comes selling it off in chunks to the USA.
    I could be wrong about this but I think these are the main reasons he appears to is the establishment’s choice for Prime Minister and these “mistakes” by the BBC are publicity stunts designed to give him additional positive media exposure. One ” mistake” I could accept as a mistake but several- no way.

    1. Now if they started referring Corbyn as ‘Horbyn’ , would that set your mind at ease?

      It might well be if (C)unt becomes PM. (C)unt’s name will be mentioned more often in the news

      Cos that’s what I think’s happening. They see the name ‘Jeremy’ appear on the autocue and expect ‘Corbyn’ to pop up….especially if the previous story was negative. (Invariably is).

      1. Maybe or maybe not given the way the BBC have treated Jeremy Corbyn, Diane Abbott and others in the past

    2. “these “mistakes” by the BBC are publicity stunts”

      C’mon, smartboy – paranoia isn’t very clever – it just confuses and waters down the real issues.

  5. Not one of them cracked a smile. We need more politicians with a sense of humour!

  6. From now on he’s “Jeremy Unt” to me.

    Just getting the old thinkbox conditioned for when IHRA is extended to define “being mean to Tories” as antisemitism.

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