Audio: McCluskey dismantles ‘poor imitation Machiavelli’ Watson and dismisses centrist referendum spin

Unite union leader dismissive of Watson, corrects BBC on Labour policy

Len McCluskey dismissed Labour deputy leader Tom Watson’s views and motives in the bluntest terms during an interview this morning on Radio 5 Live’s Pienaar’s Politics – and had to correct professional commentators on Labour’s Brexit policy.

McCluskey described Watson as an unsuccessful ‘poor imitation’ of infamous Italian plotter Machiavelli. He also linked Watson’s comments in this morning’s Observer, calling for Labour to commit to a new public vote on Brexit, to the machinations of the likes of Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson and their hopes of preventing a Corbyn-led Labour government.

More importantly, he put the expected results of the European Parliament elections into proper context and reminded listeners that Labour is the only party attempting to do the best for both leave and remain supporters.


Listen to McCluskey’s full comments below:
Subtitled version will be published as soon as available


As the SKWAWKBOX has already noted, Corbyn’s opponents are lining up to attempt to use the European Parliament election and the idea of a new public vote to undermine him in what amounts to a new coup.

Len McCluskey, who spends his time representing and talking to working-class people, knows it’s nonsense – and predicts they will fail yet again – and knows that Labour members, even most who would prefer to remain, prioritise a Labour government more highly than remaining in the EU.

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