Labour’s next steps on Brexit are clear in spite of claims to contrary

Tellers prepare to deliver the result the vote on Labour’s Brexit amendment

After the anticipated defeat this evening of Labour’s amendment to push through the party’s Brexit plan – which was greeted as ‘heavenly’ by EU leaders – the media have attempted to portray confusion about Labour’s next steps on Brexit.

But the steps are quite clear – and map out as follows:

  1. Labour will table further amendments to push their Brexit deal – the only one under discussion that the EU would accept and would defend the UK’s interests
  2. Labour will continue to seek out every opportunity for the new general election the country so desperately needs
  3. the party will back Commons votes for a ‘confirmation referendum’ (CR)

The party’s position on any CR would be straightforward. In any vote on May’s desperate deal – which against all odds manages to be worse than no deal – Labour would back remain, to save the country from the disaster of her incompetence.

In a vote for Labour’s deal vs remain, Labour would campaign for Labour’s Brexit deal, to honour the referendum result.

SKWAWKBOX comment:

Ignore media claims of confusion or a lack of a plan. Labour’s position is as cogent as it’s always been.

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