Anti-Galloway site is Progress/Labour First ‘data trap’

A site has been launched asking visitors to ‘flood the office of Jennie Formby with thousands of emails’ protesting against former MP George Galloway’s wish to rejoin the Labour Party.

But the site is hosted jointly – like others before it – by right-wing groups Labour First and Progress:

The site’s privacy policy makes it clear that data submitted will be used for much wider purposes than merely an attempt to prevent Galloway becoming a Labour member:

We are collecting this data for use for the campaign for Labour members to stop George Galloway from rejoining the Labour party. This campaign wants to build a lasting network of support and debate around the ideas it inspires. It will be used to help us provide you with information to match your interests. We may also use it to alert you of activities you may be interested in and events happening in your area now and in the future.

Labour activists have described this as a ‘data trap’, allowing the right-wing pressure groups to harvest personal data for any other campaigns or purposes it chooses.

SKWAWKBOX comment:

Lavour First and Progress have collaborated like this before. Any Labour members should be extremely careful about which organisations have access to their personal information.

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