No, of course today’s fake news re Labour/Brexit is not coordinated

There has been a rush of articles today in mainstream outlets on a common theme – supposed remainer horror and condemnation over Labour’s plan to continue with Brexit if successful in winning power.

So much so, that many left-wingers consider it a(nother) coordinated, establishment attack on Labour and its leader.

Of course, it goes without saying this is nonsensical conspiracy theory and couldn’t possibly be true.

Some outlets even varied the wording and used a different picture, just to put beyond doubt that it’s all entirely cooincidental that the same news went out within twenty minutes on so ‘unrelated’ media feeds:

And of course, the fact that they were all centred on fake news is irrelevant. Labour’s Brexit position hasn’t changed and was a key feature of the manifesto that saw the party win the biggest increase in vote share since 1945:

Labour’s 2017 general election manifesto on Brexit

It’s pure coincidence that all these articles contain quotes from the same dreary people saying the same dreary thing.

And it’s irrelevant that these articles omit the obvious: that to win power, as the party has a duty to the huge numbers suffering under the Tories to do, Labour cannot pour contempt on the views of the many millions of people who voted – and still want – to leave the EU.

Not only that, but in 2016 Corbyn was re-elected as Labour leader – with an increased share – promising to respect the referendum result and less than three months ago, Labour’s conference endorsed his policy to fight for a general election and negotiate Labour’s Brexit.

No, all this is complete happenstance and anyone who doubts the integrity of the UK’s ‘fourth estate’ is part of the problem. It’s the independent left media that is fake news, after all.

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