Astonishingly crass #PeoplesVote (trigger warning) exposes the campaign’s Blairite core


The ‘People’s Vote’ anti-Brexit campaign let slip something of its Blairite nature in one of the advertising posters it is using in preparation for its march today.

The campaign has seen the likes of the dire Chris Leslie and the awful Anna Soubry getting very chummy and is backed, among others, Chuka Umunna, who has just taken a £450-an-hour second job for a so-called ‘centrist thinktank’.

Even so, a campaign poster telling potential suicide victims ‘Don’t top yourself’ is a new low:

The poster was on view in a coach an route to the march. It does not appear to be a home-made one-off:

The immediate reaction on social media was understandably outraged:

(Note, the correct account for the campaign is @peoplesvote_uk)

The main issue facing this country is not, contrary to the blanket MSM coverage, whether the UK is in or out of the EU – it’s whether we have a Tory government or a Labour one. The last eight years of Tory government in the EU has been a disaster for our people and for the institutions, services and social safety-net we all rely on.

Nor has being in the EU prevented the rise of the fascist right in Hungary and elswhere, or prevented Establishment attempts to silence popular voices.

The ‘People’s Vote’ campaign is as Establishment as it gets – and an attempt to distract and divide us. As such, it is as much part of the system that has caused so many needless tragedies as the Tories are – and its true colours are showing.

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