Breaking: new delay to Universal Credit roll-out as DWP incompetence gives some vulnerable reprieve


The despair of an impoverished UC claimant

The BBC has just announced that the government’s planned full roll-out of the hated Universal Credit system to all claimants has been delayed – again – by a further nine months.

Vulnerable people in this country cannot hope for compassion or sense preventing this government pushing ahead with a system it knows will inflict desperate poverty on millions. However, the Tories’ fundamental incompetence has on this occasion at least given a reprieve to benefit claimants who have not already been ‘migrated’ through a process that – by design – will cut off claimants’ income for weeks and then give many of them £48 a week less compared to already-low support.

Tragically, this announcement will do nothing to help those already suffering under this consciously-cruel system.

The urgent need for a Labour government is unmissable no matter where you look.

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