Erith & Thamesmead passes unanimous vote of CONFIDENCE in Teresa Pearce MP

Erith & Thamesmead’s Labour MP Teresa Pearce did not support Jeremy Corbyn for the Labour leadership. In 2016, she supported challenger Owen Smith in the leadership contest.

But last week, her CLP passed a vote of confidence in her unanimously.

Teresa Pearce MP

The vote, based on a motion from Abbey Wood ward, expressed “full confidence” in Ms Pearce. A member of the CLP explained:

Teresa didn’t choose for Corbyn, she was in the Owen Smith camp for leader and yet when the “chicken coup” took place she refused to join. Staying in the shadow cabinet, she took on extra responsibilities and roles. She put the Labour Party first and supported a leader who was being subjected to a bullying attempt to remove him.

CLP secretary Sizwe James added:

Erith & Thamesmead CLP’s General Council met on 27 September and a vote of confidence in our MP Teresa Pearce was passed unanimously. The consensus of the meeting was that we very much appreciate the hard work and dedication that Teresa brings in representing us and the extra mile she goes in serving our community.

Ms Pearce supported a ‘centrist’ challenger to Corbyn’s leadership – but behaved honourably throughout, putting party and members first and working to help the party succeed, whatever her personal opinion.

As a result of that and her hard work on their behalf, she is clearly regarded highly by local Labour members – and they recognised it by voting full confidence in her.

It’s a very different story to the prevailing mainstream media narrative of the supposed ‘hard left’ attacking MPs for not being part of the supposed ‘cult of Corbyn’.

So if the reason some right-wing MPs are on the receiving end of votes of no-confidence is not because they don’t like Corbyn, why have they lost the confidence of their local party?

How are they different from Teresa Pearce the Erith & Thamesmead MP, who put the party first and worked to help it succeed in spite of her political differences with the leadership?

What could possibly be the cause?

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