Breaking: Ellman’s local Labour party rejects her antisemitism accusations

ellman sky
Louise Ellman

Liverpool Riverside CLP (constituency Labour party) has issued a strongly-worded statement rejecting recent accusations regarding antisemitism by its MP, Louise Ellman. Ms Ellman was recently seen telling a TV interviewer that she was “appalled” to find out that Jeremy Corbyn had attended an event featuring Holocaust survivor Hajo Meyer – when she attended it herself.

A statement by the group’s Chair dismisses her ‘vitriol’ and reaffirms its ‘overwhelming’ support for party leader Jeremy Corbyn:

It is sad to hear Dame Louise Ellman, the M.P. for Liverpool Riverside CLP, speak with such vitriol against both the Leader of the Labour Party and members of the Labour Party.

Dame Ellman’s accusation, made at the Jewish Labour Movement Conference and reported today on the ITV News, that anti-Semitism is “persistent and endemic in the party” is not supported by the facts.

PoliticsHome, at the end of July, stated that there were 50 complaints regarding antisemitism against Labour Party members outstanding, out of a membership of just under 600,000 members. The numbers speak for themselves.

For an M.P. of Dame Ellman’s experience to suggest that it is almost an everyday occurrence and ‘endemic’ is stoking the fires of this debate rather than helping the Party resolve it and is a direct attack on the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn. They do little to address the current issue with regard to antisemitism as it exists.

As Jeremy Corbyn stated ‘Antisemitic abuse has no place in our Party or movement. No one with such views acts in my name, or the name of our Party. They are not our supporters.’

Liverpool Riverside CLP overwhelmingly supports Jeremy Corbyn in his statement and can only wonder at the motive for Dame Louise Ellman’s comments.

Tim Hayden
Chair Liverpool Riverside CLP

Ms Ellman has been contacted for comment.

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