CCTV, 12 days when police failed to find ‘Novichok bottle’ – and the questions no MSM are asking


As the SKWAWKBOX covered a short time ago in breaking news, the Metropolitan Police Service has announced that it found a ‘bottle’ containing Novichok toxin at the Amesbury home of poisoning victim Charlie Rowley on Wednesday.

This was the day that Rowley regained consciousness.

The twelve days of..?

But the BBC News channel confirmed today that police have been in his home since he fell ill almost two weeks ago – meaning that they had twelve days to search for it and apparently failed to find it until he was awake to tell them about it.

This leaves open two obvious alternatives: that the bottle was too hard for searchers to find – or that police had his home but were not searching it for likely toxin containers, or at least were not searching very thoroughly.

Option two would mean that the police thought a container of nerve toxin might be at large in public in the area but didn’t search the home of a victim who might have picked it up and taking items for testing at the nearby Porton Down chemical facility.

Option one might mean that the item had been hidden.

Both options raise questions that mainstream journalists should be asking, but do not yet appear to have asked. If there is a third option, what is it?

The CCTV footage

In a further twist, unnamed individuals have now uploaded images to the website Imgur alleging a resemblance between Mr Rowley and the late Ms Sturgess and CCTV footage released by police of two ‘persons of interest’ in the vicinity of the Skripal poisoning in Salisbury around the time of the attack:

The video footage is below:

The interview

This information may be relevant to Mr Rowley’s brother’s interview on the BBC News channel in which he said cryptically that he didn’t know how his brother had become ‘involved with that lot‘ – but the interviewer conspicuously did not ask what or whom he meant by the phrase.

Or it may not – but is anyone asking the questions?

If the police are pursuing this angle of investigation, no mention about it appears to have been made to the public. The footage may, of course, have been been investigated and discounted and therefore be no longer relevant to the investigation – but if this is the case we have not been informed of that either.

Nor do the MSM appear to be asking, instead the official explanation is still pushed as the only one, politicians such as Home Secretary Sajid Javid point the finger of blame at Russia and any independents posing these questions are likely to be attacked as mere conspiracy theorists.

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