Major blow struck vs ‘bogus’ self-employment – Hermes workers win worker recognition

nimrod hermes

Sixty-five workers at delivery giant Hermes – have won a landmark case against their employers for recognition as just that: workers.

The decision entitles the staff, who have banded together to communicate via a ‘Lifestyle couriers’ forum to coordinate, to holiday and sick pay and has been described by their union, GMB, as a triumph against ‘bogus’ self-employment in the so-called ‘gig economy’. The decision is likely to improve the lot of other workers at Hermes and in similar situations in other companies.

Huge numbers of workers around the UK are forced to work as technically self-employed in order to cut costs for employers, depriving them of many of the benefits to which employed workers are entitled.

Hermes has indicated it is likely to appeal, but if the decision is upheld it will be a major blow to a system of exploitation that currently makes life harder for many hard-working people – and one which has mushroomed under Tory government.

Congratulations to Lifestyle Couriers workers and to the GMB.

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