Vid: Green lets slip what May won’t admit – Tories to raise ALL taxes to pay for their NHS incompetence

Disgraced ex-Cabinet minister Damian Green appeared on the BBC’s Question Time last night and gave away more than he was probably meant to.

Theresa May – and her chancellor Philip Hammond – has mentioned tax rises as part of her claimed additional investment in the NHS – which the Tories have spent the last eight years starving of funding – but only alongside her supposed ‘Brexit dividend’.

A ‘Brexit dividend’ that even the government’s Office for Budget Responsibility has said will actually be a Brexit deficit.

But when challenged by David Dimbleby to say which taxes would rise, Green let slip the truth – all of them:

Low earners already pay far more in taxes as a percentage of their income than the wealthy, while the richest and large companies use schemes to reduce their tax bill to insignificance.

But May intends to pile a bigger tax burden on everyone – which in practice will mean that ordinary people will shoulder the burden while the rich and companies just pay a little extra to their tax planners to avoid it.

Labour, by contrast, have a clear plan and only the richest five percent of earners will pay more in taxes, while companies will be made to pay their share.


As ever, Theresa May and her party avoid honesty about the interminable bad news they are creating, while deflecting constantly from their incompetence, cowardice and heartlessness that cause it.

But the truth slips out…

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