Video: Johnson: ‘#PortonDown said categorically no doubt’. PD CEO: ‘No we didn’t’

In an interview today with Sky News, the Chief Executive of the Porton Down chemical weapons facility has landed Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson in the deepest, hottest water of his political career.

Johnson, in an interview with German broadcaster Deutsche Welle, claimed that he knew the source of the Salisbury nerve agent was Russia because Porton Down’s laboratory ‘guys’ were ‘absolutely categorical‘, before continuing:

I asked the guy myself, I said “Are you sure?”

And he said, “There is no doubt.”

Johnson and Theresa May have been misleading the British people – most of whom would call it a frank lie – about the certainty of the source of the nerve agent.

Yet they have proceeded to act – recklessly – as if their claims were true, risking an international incident with potentially the wrong target, with knock-on effects around the world as various countries have expelled diplomats.

Jeremy Corbyn’s caution and his refusal to simply accept the government’s word for the source of the poison have been absolutely vindicated – even right-wing commentators had already begun to agree with him – and the Labour centrists whose grandstanding was meant to undermine him have been absolutely shamed.

And Theresa May? Earlier in the Deutsche Welle footage, Johnson told his interviewer that Vladimir Putin had to accept responsibility and culpability for the use of the nerve agent because Putin is,

in charge of the clattering train.

Theresa May is in charge of the runaway train that is Johnson’s reckless incompetence – and that of herself and her government.

Johnson’s position has today become untenable – and so has Theresa May’s.

Will either of them ‘accept responsibility and culpability’ for their words and actions? In more honourable days, both of them would be on their way out of office this evening – but these are not those days.

If they go, it will happen because UK people and their representatives refuse to allow anything else.

BBC News, so far, do not appear to be mentioning the exposed dishonesty.

As for those centrists…

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