Video: May’s vile racist trope against Labour’s Jewish members

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Theresa May flounders weekly in Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs) against Jeremy Corbyn’s composure. It’s no excuse for the vile racist trope she used in Wednesday’s PMQs session.

Nor is there any excuse for the mainstream media’s failure to mention it, while it focuses on nonsensical attempts to smear Jeremy Corbyn because he commented on a Facebook post about a soon-to-be-destroyed mural.

Last year, a Commons Home Affairs Committee comprising almost exclusively of opponents of the Labour Party or its leader investigated claims of antisemitism in the party – and was forced to conclude:

Despite significant press and public attention on the Labour Party, and a number of revelations regarding inappropriate social media content, there exists no reliable, empirical evidence to support the notion that there is a higher prevalence of antisemitic attitudes within the Labour Party than any other political party.

By contrast, a recent survey by a Jewish organisation found that forty percent of Conservative members agreed with at least one antisemitic statement.

In spite of that, the Establishment and its media have continued to attempt to push as fact the idea that Labour has an ‘antisemitism problem’ – which says far more about the Establishment and its media than about Labour and its leader.


But last Wednesday, Theresa May plumbed new depths by making a hateful, racist statement during a feeble attempt to turn Labour members’ removal of councillors they consider unworthy of their positions into a smear against the party:

If you want to tackle antisemitism there is no place for you in the Labour Party.

Theresa May just labelled every Labour member as someone who does not oppose antisemitism.

Worst of all, she labelled every Jewish member.

Of the vile antisemitic tropes used against Jewish people, that of the ‘self-hating Jew’ is among the most despicable – and May was guilty of it on Wednesday.

The media ignored it.

Labour has a large number of Jewish members. It has no fewer than three organisations for Jewish members and their supporters: the Jewish Labour Movement, Jewish Voice for Labour and Labour Friends of Israel.

May just told the whole country, via PMQs, that none of them care about antisemitism.

And the media is in a frenzy about an innocent, if slightly careless Facebook comment.

A leading Jewish member of the Labour Party told the SKWAWKBOX:

I completely condemn that statement as founded on Theresa May’s prejudice. It’s an expression of her fear of the success of the Labour Party as the local elections approach and she’s using an antisemitic statement to try to get more votes.

It’s a foul piece of racist propaganda.

Shame on Theresa May and shame on the ‘MSM’.

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