Breaking: Formby appointed as Labour General Secretary

formby jc

Unite’s Jennie Formby has been appointed as Labour’s new General Secretary in a vote by the party’s National Executive Committee, ahead of the other shortlisted candidate, former NUT General Secretary Christine Blower. She replaces the outgoing Iain McNicol, whose resignation was announced last month.

Ms Formby, who is highly regarded, formidable and has been the target of vile smears since she announced her candidacy, clearly worries the Establishment. The imminence of her likely appointment also prompted a number of ‘centrist’ functionaries at Labour’s Southside HQ to resign yesterday, making her task of bringing Labour’s bureaucracy into line with the party’s leadership and membership that little bit more straightforward.

Ms Formby said,

The SKWAWKBOX congratulates her on her appointment and Labour on its excellent choice. There’s a major work to be done in bringing Labour’s admin structures into line with the party’s vision and direction, but the best person for the job is on the case.

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