Unite responds to Coyne claim not ‘allowed in’ to W Mids conference

Union Unite’s ‘West Midlands Political Conference’ takes place tomorrow at West Brom football club’s ground. Gerard Coyne, who unsuccessfully challenged Len McCluskey for the union’s General Secretary position last year and was subsequently dismissed from his union position amid allegations of data protection breaches, has complained on social media that he and others have not been ‘allowed’ to attend the conference:

Unite’s acting regional secretary has circulated a letter by email to the union’s members in the region in what appears to be a response to these and/or related complaints, although Coyne is not named in the letter. Highlighting has been added by the SKWAWKBOX:

According to Beckett, ‘prominent individuals’ had never previously asked to be invited to the conference or claimed to be eligible to attend while others who are complaining about not gaining admission missed the deadline for application and are on the waiting list – or were not affiliated to a CLP (constituency Labour party) when they applied, which if true would make them ineligible to attend or vote.

Applicants from Coyne’s branch who applied before the deadline have, according to the letter, been duly registered and accepted for the event.

It is to be hoped that tomorrow’s event can take place without incident.

The SKWAWKBOX has emailed Gerard Coyne for comment.

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