The truth about the ‘more expensive for white people’ smear

Far-right sites have been spreading a smear about a Labour event in the East Midlands that supposedly charged white people a higher ticket price than others.

To his shame, Tory MP Ben Bradley – fresh from the exposure of his disgraceful ‘eugenics’ comments about having unemployed people sterilised – repeated the slur on Facebook:

The truth of the matter is simple. The price of tickets was £40 for everyone. However, tickets for BAME (black, Asian and minority ethnic) members were subsidised by BAME Labour – a membership organisation for BAME Labour members.

In other words, the discounted price for people from ethnic minorities was no different to a discount subsidised by any club for the benefit of its members.

And as BAME Labour is a ‘socialist society’ separate from the Labour Party, which charges its members a separate membership fee, the discounted price was not a Labour Party matter.

Of course, such everyday nuances are always going to be ignored by right-wingers eager to smear or stir up racial hatred.

Especially those who are trying to divert attention from their own embarrassments.

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