More organisations: we gave Labour Future no permission for logo use

lf coalitions x
Three down, one to go

A short time ago, the SKWAWKBOX published confirmation by Momentum that it had given no permission to Labour Future (LF) to use Momentum’s logo in the ‘Coalitions for Change’ graphic on its website.

In spite of its name, Labour Future is a private company with no affiliation to the Labour Party and in fact its founders have links to organisations such as the Taxpayers’ Alliance, which most Labour members would consider well to the right of the political spectrum.

Now two further organisations have contacted the SKWAWKBOX with similar confirmations.

Progress’ spokesman told this blog:

It’s the first we’ve seen of this and hadn’t discussed it with Labour Future before.

A spokeswoman for Keep our NHS Public went further:

Keep our NHS Public (KONP) is a national campaigning group that is not aligned to any political party. The Labour Future website has been amended with the KONP logo removed.

Sure enough, a visit to the LF volunteer page now has the KONP logo removed – but those of the other three organisations, of which all but the Labour Party have now confirmed did not give permission for LF to use, are still showing:

Given that the advanced data-scraping capabilities of the NationBuilder software powering volunteer-registration process are troubling enough even in the hands of a bona fide political party, the SKWAWKBOX is confident that most potential visitors to the page would prefer to be completely clear who is receiving any details they might enter.

Especially when the host of the page is a private company that has links to right-of-centre organisations such as the Taxpayers’ Alliance and has sent emails that confused recipients into thinking they were donating to the Labour Party.

Labour Future does not publish contact information and therefore could not be asked for comment.

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