Breaking: Labour will have full #Orgreave inquiry and more

Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott at Labour’s annual Conference this morning

Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott received a rousing reception at Labour’s Conference this morning – and an enormous cheer from the vast majority of delegates when the Shadow Home Secretary announced that Labour, in power, will immediately institute a full public inquiry into events at Orgreave during the miners’ strike.

The Tories caused dismay and outrage last year when they led campaigners to believe that an inquiry would be held – and then u-turned.

The SKWAWKBOX has previously revealed photographic and eyewitness evidence proving the presence of fake police officers – believed to be soldiers – attacking miners at Orgreave, but the government refused to hold an investigation that would no doubt incriminate the Tory party.

Un-numbered ‘police’ among protesters at Orgreave

However, the matter is now settled: the next Labour government will publicly dig into the truth of events and hold to account those found to be responsible.

Ms Abbott also announced that similar inquiries will be held into the unjust treatment and even jailing of workers in Shropshire and Merseyside.

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