Desperate minority govt trying to bypass democracy

As the Huffington Post pointed out yesterday, the government is trying to rig Parliament by passing a rule on the composition of parliamentary committees to guarantee a Tory majority on the ‘powerhouses of all prospective laws’.

Not content with a £1.5 billion bribe to the DUP to form a weak government, the Tories are now trying to get around its vulnerability to defeat in Commons votes – by bypassing the vote and essentially ignoring the democratic result of the General Election.

Labour called this “an unprecedented power grab by a minority government that lost its moral authority as well as its majority at the General Election“. Truer words were never spoken.

The Tories are so desperate to cling onto power and maintain their pillaging of the country that they’ve let let even any pretence of democracy fall away and are nakedly seeking to create an effective dictatorship.

Labour’s spokesperson went on:

On Monday the Government are seeking the power to change the law by ministerial edict and on Tuesday they will try to sideline opposition in Parliament by rigging the committee system so that they are guaranteed a majority they didn’t secure at the ballot box.

The British people will not understand how having voted to deny the Conservatives a majority, the Tories can alter the rules of Parliament to ensure they have one.

The very people who told us Brexit was about restoring Parliamentary sovereignty are now voting through measures that will sideline Parliament and grant Ministers unprecedented powers.”

This move must be defeated. If you’re unfortunate enough to have a Tory MP, write to him/her urgently here to ask them to vote against this deeply anti-democratic measure.

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