Told you so: Leonard and Sarwar both confirmed for Scottish Labour contest


BBC News is confirming today that former Progress vice-Chair Anas Sarwar will stand for election as leader of Scottish Labour. Richard Leonard confirmed at the weekend.

What the SKWAWKBOX told its readers last Wednesday was going to happen is now official.

The contest is expected to take at least ten weeks – 70 days or so for Jeremy Corbyn and his allies to make use of their current majority on the NEC, unless the right is successful in its attempt to nullify it by replacing BFAWU’s Pauline McCarthy among the union representatives, probably with someone from the right-dominated retail workers’ union USDAW.

The SKWAWKBOX endorses Richard Leonard, the pro-Corbyn candidate the vast majority of Labour members will be hoping to see lead Scotland firmly out of its blairite past. If readers want a flavour of his politics, Leonard, a Yorkshireman who settled in Scotland after attending Stirling University, can be seen below delivering a speech to the Scottish Labour Conference in 2010:

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