Whatever you think of Ms Dugdale’s politics, the Fabians should be ashamed

The BBC has revealed that recently-resigned leader of Scottish Labour, Kezia Dugdale, was ‘outed’ against her will by a magazine published by the Labour-affiliated think-tank The Fabian Society.

Ms Dugdale says she was always open with journalists about her sexuality but asked them not to include it in their articles and that the Fabian Review journalist ignored her request, forcing her to make a series of night-time phone calls to people so they didn’t learn of it from the magazine.

The SKWAWKBOX has taken issue with Kezia Dugdale on numerous occasions over her politics and her activities in the Labour Party, but wholeheartedly condemns the decision by the Fabian Review and wishes her every happiness in her relationship with SNP MSP Jenny Gilruth.

It’s ironic that this was done to Ms Dugdale by an organisation that is now largely right-leaning, when the Labour right attempts to smear the left as abusive. Also ironically, if anything will bring both wings of the Scottish party together, it’s likely to be universal disapproval of the move and a sense of solidarity with the party’s wronged ex-leader.

It’s to be hoped that Fabian members and readers of the Fabian Review will make their feelings emphatically known, even to the point of reconsidering their membership or readership.

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