BBC silence on #ToryElectionFraud2 kills even pretence of impartiality

If you get your news from the BBC, you may well have no idea that the Tories are now being investigated for serious, multi-faceted election fraud in the recent General Election affecting no fewer than ten seats the Tories won in June.

Channel 4, whose excellent undercover investigation dug out the story, broke the news on Friday:

Even Sky News covered it:

Labour politicians are fully aware of developments and their significance – and are spreading the word:

The SKWAWKBOX has covered it – and provided exclusive evidence in the form of texts demonstrating the Tories’ and their contractor’s increasing desperation to bring in more staff as the election slipped away from them.

A huge investigation into massive alleged electoral fraud – big enough to bring down the government.

And silence from the BBC.

Our so-called national broadcaster has put beyond question the fact that it is suborned by and in the pockets of the corrupt few against the interests of the many.

There has been a lot of questioning in the mainstream media lately about why the new left media is setting the agenda and narrative. Respect to Channel 4, which has put its BBC sister to shame, but as these latest developments show the answer to that question is pretty simple, really.

It’s because we have to.

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